Saturday, May 3, 2014

Washington's Ukraine

By Gene Ogorodov

At this moment Pro-Russian Paramilitary Forces have massed in American State of Nevada. This might come as a shock to most Americans including the several hundred armed militia members at the Bundy Ranch to whom I am referring. Most of them would probably be insulted by an insinuation that they are in the pay of a "Communist" country like the Russian Federation, which there is no evidence to support. However, the fact remains that they and the Kremlin share a common interest in a weaker American Government.

As NATO masses its forces on the borders of Russia and the Global Banking cartel engages in unrestrained economic warfare against Moscow, the hawks in Washington should remember that the nascent beginning of internal unrest have gathered in Clark County Nevada.

Half crazed and armed to the teeth several hundred men and women from every part of the United States have untied in a desperate struggle that they cannot win against the Federal Government. Spurred on by an insane belief in a global conspiracy to abolish "liberty and freedom"and the hero worship of America's revolutionary ancestors they have accepted the necessity to fight and die in battle against forces they view as the embodiment of absolute tyranny. Their conviction reinforced by thirty years of a declining standard of living and a Government obsessed with "security" and illegal foreign wars.

Like the defenders of the Alamo, the armed defenders of the Bundy Ranch have very publicly placed themselves in the cross-hairs of an Empire unaccustomed to not getting its own way to fight for a principle. It is too easy to look at these forlorn men and women and see a small and anomalous element of the lunatic fringe. Delusional, perhaps, but they are by no means an anomaly in the United States. Far from being a fringe they are a vanguard of a violent insurrection.

These people may be more courageous, radicalized, or foolhardy than most Americans that identify with the political right. Like it or not, the values that they are willing to die for are the values of the majority of the rural white population.

Those of us on the outside, looking in, may question the worthiness of their cause. Tax evasion is tax evasion, and cattle rustling is cattle rustling, plain and simple. The Bureau of Land Management should give back the cattle and Cliven Bundy should pay his fees. But this fight isn't about cattle rustling or land use fees, or even the survival of a rare tortoise. This confrontation is about a way of life that is dying out, and the right to survive of the people that still cling on to that way of life.

One would have to be blind not to see that due process and tradition life have been sacrificed for the power of a small elite in a distant Capital. Men like Cliven Bundy which one typified the Western American have become rare, squeezed into extinction by rapacious corporations and a complicit Government. Maybe the United States would be better off without men and women with Bundy's view of the world. Racism and intellectual ludditism have caused unspeakable harm in the last century, and they should be given no place in the future. However, starving a man and driving him and his family into penury are actions worthy of only a Fascist Tyranny.

The Federal Government drove Cliven Bundy into a wall and gave him the choice to fight or die--the same choice it gave 90 Million Americans when it allowed the Wall Street Banker to expel them from their homes. Bundy decided to fight.

Neither side can back down. If the Feds give up, they have demonstrated that they will give in to the threat of force; if Bundy gives up, he is destroyed. There are two outcomes, the defenders of the Bundy ranch become the first group of domestic terrorists arrested under the NDAA 2012 or they die, out manned and out gunned. The latter is more heroic than the former, but both have the same result. Bundy and his several hundred armed civilians become martyrs for their cause.

In the fallout of this impending tragedy tens of thousands of militia men and women will invariably rise in revolt. They would be insane not to. To remain isolated and semi-peaceful would give the Government the time and the freedom to pick them off piecemeal. Success is remote and survival uncertain, but for the radical right wing not to go to the proverbial barricades would mean certain death.

The groups that take up arms in the near future in the United States may be mostly far less radicalized than the defenders of the Bundy Ranch, but important narrative have a way of forgetting details. How many people really remember that the defenders of the Alamo were mostly criminals and adventurers? Likewise the Bundy Ranch will be remembered by the right, when it is most convenient, as pure, pious, and ordinary defenders of liberty.

Where does Russia come into this? The Crisis in Ukraine has already developed into a low intensity proxy war between the Russia and the US between Pro-Russia Militias in the East and the Pro-American Neo-Nazis in Power in Kiev. It has also sparked a full scale Western attack on the Russian Economy. If the US issues another round of sanctions against Russia and the American Rating Agencies drop Russia's debt to junk status, it is game on, either the Russian economy will die or the American backed Global Financial industry will be restructured, without the US.

It is still early days, but there may already be too much at stake. A major recession in the Russian Stock Market would threaten to fracture the Russian Federation. If the US fails to punish Russia for thwarting its political machinations US hegemony is dead. No longer will Presidents Obama and Putin just play a 21st Century version of the dance that the Emperors Napoleon and Alexander played in 1812. China, India, and Germany would take advantage of the power void at the expense of the US. Furthermore, other countries that we harmed would use a new found era of American weakness to settle old scores with the US.

I believe there is too much military ordinance in Eastern Europe to avoid exchanging shots once the final round of sanctions are in place, but the real geopolitical decisions will be made outside of the battlefields of Ukraine. Ultimately in a financial war the real deciding factor is confidence. A major armed insurrection in the US would destroy global confidence in the stability of the American Government.

Of all the countries in the world the United States should recognize the effects that regular pay, explosives, anti-aircraft weaponry, and a free flow of small arms and ammunition can have upon a insurgency. This is a policy that Washington has frequently and unabashedly used as a means of covertly supporting its empire since the Second World War. In every case it turned an anemic opposition into a major military threat to their government. In fact, if we are to believe recent leaks that is exactly what the US did in Ukraine.

This is not to say that the Militia Movement and the radical right threaten to drag the United States into a major Civil War, even though that has become a far too common meme among their talking-heads. Several thousand people under arms in a country of 310 Million people and 3.9 Million square miles hardly has any hope other than to arrive at the negotiation table in a decade or two with enough strength to bargain for their own heads. However, a domestic insurgency would destroy the current picture of American security and with it any confidence in the US Economy.

Thus, inadvertently Cliven Bundy has opened a back door for Vladimir Putin to save the Russian Federation from American aggression and drive a stake into the heart of American Hyperpower. If these shadows remain unchanged, Neo-Liberal Globalization headed by American Multi-Nationals will give way to a new era of state sovereignty and command economies run on a Chinese (Keynesian) model as the Global Community restructures the role of the United States to the outskirts of international finance.

However, there is one way for the United States to avoid ushering in a multi-polar world lead by the interests of China, Germany, India, and Russia. If the United States immediately backs down on both fronts and seriously consider the legitimate needs and rights of its people and the Russian Federation, Washington could prepare for a more gentle transition out of the Pax Americana. The Bush and Obama Administrations have failed to maintain America's absolute sway over the World. The United States Government needs to recognize this and frame its policies with the assumption that the United States is a great power and not the great power.