Tuesday, August 19, 2014

NPR on Ferguson

By Gene Ogorodov

NPR recently had a piece questioning whether the militarization of police in the United States is the byproduct of military gear that has adorned forces around this country. They asked, appropriately, if a militaristic mentality encouraged the acquisition of military gear rather than the more commonly assumed reverse. 

However, they ignored the important question of cui bono? Answering that question goes beyond the chicken and the egg and get to the heart of the corruption on our system of policing. The answer to that is self evident--military contractors, the lobbyists they hire to keep the their profits in the stratosphere, and the politicians they have bought. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

An Open Letter to the Market Basket Empoyees on Strike.

To The Market Basket Workers:

For too long the American worker has been enslaved to the wealth of others. The unbridled greed and indifference to humanity of a microscopically small minority has forced billions of people world wide into desperate conditions of wage slavery, and they are doing the same thing in the United States. The high standard of living that we as Americans once enjoyed has been under concerted attack for the past forty years by an unscrupulous tyranny. Without reaping the benefits of the profit motive the worker's time and labor is ground into the dust by the jackboot of cutting costs.