Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hello World

The Pine Tree Flag of New England
If you have happened to stumble upon The Boston Pine Flag, you are probably wondering what this blog is all about, and why anyone would choose such a name.

The Boston Pine Flag is a forum for several liberally minded freelance writers to express opinions slightly out of the ordinary. Far too much dialogue is lost in public debate through simply looking at the world through the same artificial lenses. The Boston Pine Flag hopes to present our readers with articles that ask the questions that nobody asks.

As a small group of freelance writers who tend to find themselves the most liberal people in the room, we have taken our name from the Pine Tree Flag raised at the Battle of Bunker Hill in solidarity with our Yankee ancestors who did the most liberal thing imaginable in there era--replace colonial rule with the direct democracy of the local town meeting.

Although we do not exclusively represent the interests of socialist secessionist New England Yankees, since that demographic is microscopically small in the current era, we at The Boston Pine Flag will try to present some of the most liberal commentary available.

The topics may be unheard of and the political opinions expressed may be ones that no one would dare mention in polite company, but we hope that our readers will be able to find stuff here that they cannot find anywhere else. Our goal is to be an alternative voice on the fringes of alternative media.

We do not desire that our reader will agree with us. That would be boring. Rather we at The Boston Pine Flag hope that our reader will be shocked by almost every conclusion that we draw without compromising the logic of our arguments. We wish our Op-eds to be as different from the mainstream as Leibniz's geometry is from Euclid's.

Though in the pages of this blog we may present a strange world where parallel lines intersect and planes are finite mentioning every counter intuitive observation as fast as we can upload them, we are neither revolutionary nor ideological purists. We are free-thinkers, and the unfortunate truth is that to ask free-thinkers to be either revolutionary or ideologically consistent is, to use an old expression, like herding cats.

In a world that seems to be enamored with goose-stepping to ever increasingly right-wing ideologies, some of those on the left may feel that it would be nice if there were a movement on the left that was strong enough and unified enough to combat this trend. If you are searching the forgotten corners of the Internet for that, we must apologize for you have come to the wrong place. The most we claim to be is a somewhat eccentric site which encourages our writers to be at least modestly erudite on the subjects they take to pen.

Presenting our reader with intriguing and accurate information is our raison d'etre. If you have found that here feel free to read more—it is free by the way.

Gene Ogorodov