Tuesday, May 20, 2014

An Open Letter to Sen. Chris McDaniel of Mississippi

The following is an open letter to one of the newest stars of the Tea Party, Sen. Chris McDaniel of Mississippi. He is currently running against incumbent Thad Cochran to be the Republican nominee for US Senate.

Dear Sen. McDaniel:

I listened to a piece on NPR about your campaign against Sen. Cochran to become the Republican candidate for US Senate for the State of Mississippi. In one of clips of a speech you gave you said that you wanted to reduce Federal subsides to Mississippi. Speaking as someone who lives in Massachusetts, a state which contributes a fair amount of its Federal tax dollars to Mississippi and other poorer states, I appreciate your concern for our expense. 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Fast Food Protest in Boston

Photo taken from RT.com <http://rt.com/in-vision/fast-food-global-strike/massachusetts-fast-food-protest/>

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Addendum to "How Did We Get Here?"

By Gene Ogorodov

On May 10, 2014 Dr. Alexander Yakovenko, the Russian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, emphatically denied the possibility of Russian intervention in Ukraine, in an Op-Ed for RT. I will concede that conventional hot war between the US and Russia is not necessarily an "absolute certainty" as I said earlier. Avoiding war will require a spectacular amount of diplomacy (and more than a few very successful intrigues). The United States wants war with Russia, and it will get a war, even if Ukrainian troops have to retake Crimea and invade the undisputed territory of the Russian Federation. I don't believe that Russia has the tools at its disposal to stressfully avoid war.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

How Did We Get Here?

By Gene Ogorodov

Recent events have forced The Boston Pine Flag to focus more on Ukraine than would seem justifiable in comparison to the lack of commentary on the other major events of the few years. The civil unrest and nascent civil war in Ukraine qua war hardly compares with the human suffering produced by the Syrian Civil War. The underhanded machinations and state backed terrorism of the United States directed at Iran coupled with its flagrant mendacity about its actions make the shameless actions towards Ukraine and Russia seem legal and honest. However, one should not compare and contrast these three political stages as different crimes of the Evil Empire. They are part of the same objective--to destroy the resurgent power of the Russian Federation before China is prepared to compete for thalassocracy in the Pacific.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A Left-Wing Hero Speaks.

By Gene Ogorodov

Chris Hedges has finally written on the ramification of the Roberts Court's refusal to hear Hedges v. Obama, his lawsuit challenging the NDAA. His Op-Ed entitled "The Post-Constitutional Era" can be found at Truthdig.com. This article lives up to Hedges reputation as a writer and an activist. It is one of the finest critiques of Corporatistic Totalitarian Era that our country has entered that I have ever read. All Americans (and anyone interested in the United States) should read this essay. Read this essay for yourselves, share it among friends and family, but most importantly make sure the truth in this article is know in every community in the United States of America. Ubiquitous access to accurate information is essential.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Washington's Ukraine

By Gene Ogorodov

At this moment Pro-Russian Paramilitary Forces have massed in American State of Nevada. This might come as a shock to most Americans including the several hundred armed militia members at the Bundy Ranch to whom I am referring. Most of them would probably be insulted by an insinuation that they are in the pay of a "Communist" country like the Russian Federation, which there is no evidence to support. However, the fact remains that they and the Kremlin share a common interest in a weaker American Government.