Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Mickey Mouse Revolution

By Gene Ogorodov

This morning as I was browsing through the news on Truth Dig I was struck by the proliferation of articles on faux news casts from the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. Is this news? Is the sum total of reformist activity in the US comedians cracking jokes? It is a common hobby-horse among liberals to berate the mainstream media as being less than worthless, but I will add that if this what alternative media looks like then it too is a pathetic joke. People like Chris Hedges and Amy Goodman cant about changing the system, but, although I admire there work, I am forced to wonder how serious they really are in the face of this non-journalism. The United States is dying, and the liberally minded American public deserves accurate and in-depth information about the state of the country. 

To repeat the cheap snipes of professional fools as genuine opposition to the status quo mocks the suffering and destitution of the tens of millions of Americans that have been irreparably harmed by the financial bias of Neo-Liberalism and hundreds of millions of non-Americans that have been sold and murdered by Neo-Conservatism. Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart are not activists nor are they genuine radicals. They are paid to increase the viewer-ship of Comedy Central. Their shows assume a somewhat rebellious attitude towards power because that is popular among kids. The fact that unknown millions of Americans live in conditions worse than Medieval Europe and that the problems that have created that have neither been addressed in  Washington nor reported in the news is not a children's game. Frankly, I wonder how seriously any of our radically minded journalists take the misfortunes of our country. With this detritus it seems that they sit in there comfortable offices in New York enjoying the dissonance they create while being completely oblivious to the real danger that many of their stories point towards.

I have no means of changing the system, nor even the means to dull the blade of its tyranny. The hand full of readers scattered across the world of The Boston Pine Flag cannot be heard amidst the roar of machine. But I find it very offensive that organizations with millions of viewers don't take their stated purpose seriously. On the one hand it is outrageous for supposed news sites not to provide real news, on the other if the American people are given the information to live in the world that they live in (one, which is rapidly changing) the devastation caused by ignorance will be worse than pillaging that has wracked our country thus far. The United States needs an informed, well educated populous to deal with social degradation. I hope that we will get some public figures that will work towards providing information and that these so-called activists that can do nothing more than watch comedy will leave the field open.