Tuesday, September 3, 2013

An Open Letter to Sec. of State John Kerry

Dear Sec. Kerry:

American warmongering is becoming quite tiresome. Between the illegal wars, covert wars, rumors of wars, acts of war, and penchant for provoking the rest of the world your credibility is somewhat tarnished. This is not to say that your justification for going to war is a ball-faced lie; it is just a little bit strange that you can justify going to war with a different country every six months. Should the people of the world really feel sorry for the Obama Administration in not being allowed to enjoy the blessings of peace by malevolent parties, or should we just assume that certain paranoid psychopathy that hijacked US foreign policy during the Bush years has continued unabated. 

Nonetheless, American bombardment of Syria is possibly the worst imaginable response to the recent chemical attack in Damascus. To be frank, I don't believe you that your intelligence has confirmed that the Assad regime was responsible. However, logically there are only three possible culprits--you (through your common friends with Al-Qaeda, the Syrian Rebles), Assad, or none of the above. I will ignore "none of the above" because the potential wider ramifications of that are literally infinite.

If the you or your proxies are behind the chemical attack, do you honestly believe that the Russians and the Chinese will allow you to gas their allies and get away with it? Not bloody likely. The United States has the largest arsenal of WMDs in human history. The best estimates suggest that the US alone has enough fissionable material to eradicate human life, and its resources for chemical and biological warfare are equally impressive. If the US has demonstrated that it is willing to use its WMDs indiscriminately without cause and without justification, it is necessary for America's strategic competitors to neutralize the threat it poses by utterly destroying it. Otherwise, there will always be the possibility that there major cities will vanish in mushroom clouds when the US government wants to tip the playing field in its favor.

If Assad gassed his own people, that would have served no purpose other than to commit regime suicide or as a direct challenge to the United States. Considering that Assad was winning the civil war, an interest in self-preservation can be assumed. Thus Syria is quite literally a mouse that roared. Mice that roar tend to have rather large teeth. Syria wouldn't challenge the US if it didn't believe that it could make the American military bleed. Are you sure you know their capabilities?

Either way you are looking at more than a couple of days of an air campaign with absolute American Air and Naval supremacy. When our pilots start getting shot down, can you call off the air war? When the USS Harry S. Truman is at the bottom of the Mediterranean, can you prevent a ground war? When an American Division is routed by Russian and Iranian Troops, can you prevent the war from spreading to the Pacific and can you save your Empire?

Going into Syria is a fools errand. Withdraw. You have nothing to win and everything to lose. The outcome will be disadvantageous to the United States no matter what it is, and it is likely to be quite poor. You have neither the power nor the international support to engage in another belligerent foreign war.

The American military has been worn out by twelve years of COIN and hollowed out by sequestration. American foreign policy has alienated its allies, and now they are braying for your blood. America has ground it enemies into the dust with gratuitous violence and a lack of concern for the innocent. Under the hypocritical guise of humanitarianism the US cut off the grain supply that Soviet Union depended upon to feed its people driving it into failure and an anarchic collapse. You halved the Russian economy twice and halved its population. You fund terrorist organizations that murder Russian civilians, and your money lines the pockets of Russian organized crime which has wracked to Russian government with corruption. You destroyed a great nation, and there isn't a patriotic Russian alive that wouldn't fight to the hilt to see the same thing happen to the United States.

I am not a Russian nor do I have much sympathy with blood-lust, yours or theirs, but this is the real world, Mr. Kerry. The Chinese want power, the Russians want blood, the rest of the world wants peace, and the American people want a government that cares about more than the profits of 40,000 plutocrats. The United States needs industry and infrastructure. The American people like all people of the world should have a right to food, clothing, shelter, meaningful work, clean water, health care, and a little bit of happiness.

If you want to wage a war on something, wage a war on misery and injustice. You have already lost your empire. If you ignore the Republic, it is inevitable that you will lose your country too.

E.V. Ogorodov