Friday, November 29, 2013

Joan Bokaer "The Rise of Dominionism." (Theocracy Watch)

This video was produced by Theocracy Watch, an organization dedicated to raising awareness of the inroads that the Religious Right has made into the halls of power in the United States. One might assume that the underlying premise of the Religious Right or any movement in the US having the ability or desire to give American Government theocratic overtones is a bit paranoid. It goes without saying that I view the Religious Right as being a fascist movement that has had only negative effects upon the US, but I will not presume to judge whether or not they are trying to turn the US into a Theocracy. I will, however, cite an observation Noan Chomsky once made. There are currently Religious Fundamentalists (in the broadest sense of the term) make up a much larger percentage of the population of the United States than of the Iranian population.