Saturday, February 2, 2013

RT Op-Ed: Pain in the Brass

In an Op-Ed presented on RT several months ago, “Pain in the Brass: Petraeus Joins Sullied Trinity of Fallen Generals”, William Echols has written an exceptional analysis of Gen. Petraeus' fall from grace. He brings various pieces of puzzle together from break with tradition that was the Petraeus doctrine and ultimate failure to the willingness of the Obama doctrine to ride rough-shod over the American Brass.

With three four-star generals disgraced in as many years and the tale-tale signs that two more (Generals Allen and Ward) will have joined them on the chopping block in as many weeks, Echols' Op-Ed for RT lays bare questions that should be in the forefront of responsible journalism.

It is self evident that Petraeus' resignation has little to nothing to do with an extramarital affair and everything to do with the current political environment in the US. Echols cuts through the static created by the General's sex scandal and exposes the machinations of political intrigue. He very rightly describes sex scandal as being the preferred (and simplest) manner of removing political opponents in this era in Washington.

From Bill Clinton to David Petraeus sex is the Achilles' heal of modern untouchable heroes. It is worth remembering that that is a refection of both our culture of perception as well as the culture surrounding the masters of humankind.

As of late RT has shown itself to be an exemplary source of alternative media. RT doesn't just present news stories that would never be published in mainstream Western media. It also delivers sold commentary. I look forward to reading more Op-Eds from William Echols on RT.

Since permission has neither been requested nor granted, “Pain in the Brass: Petraeus Joins Sullied Trinity of Fallen Generals” can be found on the RT website here <>.

Gene Ogorodov